Units Converters

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- acceleration
- acidity
- activation energy
- amount of substance
- angle
- angular acceleration
- angular momentum
- angular velocity
- area
- area per unit volume
- atomic number
- atomic weight
- Avogadro constant
- body force
- boiling point at 1 atm
- Boltzmann constant
- capacitance
- critical point temperature
- data rate
- data storage
- density
- dimensionless
- distance
- dynamic fluidity
- dynamic viscosity
- electric charge
- electric current
- electric dipole moment
- electric field strength
- electrical conductance
- electrical conductivity
- electrical permittivity
- electrical resistance
- electrical resistivity
- energy
- energy flux
- energy per unit area
- first radiation constant
- force
- force per unit mass
- frequency
- frequency voltage ratio
- fuel consumption
- gravitational constant
- heat of combustion
- heat of fusion
- heat of vaporisation
- heat transfer coefficient
- Henry's law constant
- illuminance
- inductance
- intensity of ionising radiation
- kinematic viscosity
- kinetic energy of turbulence
- linear momentum
- luminance
- luminous flux
- luminous intensity
- magnetic field strength
- magnetic flux
- magnetic flux density
- magnetic moment
- magnetic permeability
- magnetomotive force
- mass
- mass flowrate
- mass flux
- mass per unit area
- mass per unit length
- mass transfer coefficient
- melting point
- molar concentration
- molar concentration by mass
- molar flowrate
- molar heat capacity
- molecular weight
- moment of inertia
- momentum flowrate
- momentum flux
- permeability
- photon emission rate
- Planck constant
- population
- power
- power per unit mass
- power per unit volume
- pressure
- radioactive dose
- radioactive dose equivalent
- radioactivity
- second moment of area
- second radiation constant
- solid angle
- specific enthalpy
- specific gravity
- specific heat capacity
- specific length
- specific surface
- specific volume
- Stefan-Boltzmann constant
- surface tension
- temperature
- temperature difference
- thermal conductivity
- time
- torque
- triple point temperature
- turbulence energy dissipation rate
- velocity
- voltage
- volume
- volume per unit area
- volumetric calorific value
- volumetric coefficient of expansion
- volumetric flowrate
- volumetric mass flowrate
- wave number