National Semiconductor 4640
![National Semiconductor 4640](/images/calculators/National_Semiconductor_4640__WassNet.jpg)
The National Semiconductor 4640 is a scientific calculator with RPN (reverse polish notation) logic. It has 36 keys, and an LED (light-emitting diode) display typical of calculators of this era. The power source is Sealed battery pack.
Facts at a glance:
Feature | Value |
Type | Scientific |
Keys | 36 |
Logic | RPN |
Display type | LED |
Length | 150mm |
Width | 75mm |
Thickness | 31mm |
Power Source | Sealed battery pack |
If you have a National Semiconductor 4640 that is no longer working, you can consider replacing the calculator with a modern equivalent.
We suggest the following current model as a replacement: