Casio fx-83MS (S-V.P.A.M.)

The Casio fx-83MS is a scientific calculator with 12 digits precision and formula input logic. It has 240 functions, 50 keys, and an LCD (liquid crystal) display. The power source is LR44 cell. The calculator was manufactured in China. A sample of this calculator is held in the collection.
Facts at a glance:
Feature | Value |
Type | Scientific |
Functions | 240 |
Keys | 50 |
Precision | 12 |
Logic | Formula |
Display type | LCD |
Length | 156mm |
Width | 85mm |
Thickness | 12mm |
Weight | 139g |
Power Consumption | 0.000200W |
Power Source | LR44 cell |
Country | China |
Year introduced | 2000 |
Year discontinued | 2005 |
User Manual
You can download the Casio fx-83MS manual from the manuals website. If this doesn't work, you can also try this alternative download link.
Note that diagnostic tests generally delete any data on the calculator. Be sure to back up any important information held in the calculator before running these tests.
While holding SHIFT and 7 keys (or just SHIFT key for early models) press the ON key. Pressing the SHIFT key cycles through the 14 display test patterns. Press SHIFT one more time to change the display from 0 to 1 for the start of the keypad test - the numbers then increase as each key is pressed in the correct order (omitting the ON key which exits test mode).
If you have a Casio fx-83MS that is no longer working, you can first try replacing the LR44 cell. If that doesn't solve the problem, then you can consider replacing the calculator with a modern equivalent.
We suggest the following current model as a replacement: