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The calculator has in-built units conversions

and constants. Using

conventional calculators and reference books it is often difficult to find a <dfn title="conversion factor">
conversion factor</dfn> between the pair of units you are dealing with and 

you are forced to convert in several error prone steps. This problem is 

eliminated with the units conversion facility. The conversion function also 

eliminates the risk of confusion about &#39;which way&#39; to use a factor that 

arises when converting between different units systems of dimensionally 

complex quantities. </p>

Example using units conversion

Suppose you have a value for a property, dynamic

viscosity say, quoted in non-SI units, and the formula you are computing is in

SI. First, enter the value into the calculator display. Next, click the unit

button and select the property dynamic viscosity from the Properties box.

Then in the From box select the set of units in which the value has been

entered (e.g. slug/ft-sec). Now select the desired units in the To box. If the

desired units are SI, you can just click the SI button, rather than searching

for them in the drop down edit box. Finally click the OK button (or return on

the keyboard) and the converted value will be shown in the calculator display.

You can click the Cancel button to return to the calculator without

performing any conversion.

Now that the conversion has been set up, you can use the same conversion on

another value using the cnv> button. Any value can now be instantly

converted from slug/ft.s to kg/m.s using this button. To convert back from

kg/m.s to slug/ft.s use the shift button which changes the "cnv>"

button to "<cnv", which does the reverse conversion.

You can use the Find button to search for a

property or units from the properties database.

To modify the properties database press the Edit button next to the properties or units.

Currency Conversions

Currency conversions are supplied to convert between the Euro and those European

currencies that have fixed conversion rates, i.e. those where the Euro is

adopted. Some European countries have retained their own currency, either

because they are not in the European Union, or because they have chosen to

retain their currency (e.g. Great Britain). Therefore these currencies, along

with non-European currencies, have spot conversion rates which can be expected

to change over time. Updated conversion rates will be posted to the website periodically.

Obviously currency is outside the scope of the SI units system. The "SI" unit

for currency is the Euro, which simply means it is the default currency.